A Day in the Life of an Information Architect

  • 24 Aug 2016
  • 6:30 PM - 8:45 PM
  • American Underground Classroom, 334 Blackwell St, Suite B017, Durham, NC

This month, we’ll be exploring the role of an Information Architect!

Information architects serve a key role in the UX field. They help organize and design the structures of information environments. For example, they might categorize and organize the structure of the content found on a website (e.g., determine what is in the main navigation, what’s in the sub-navigation, and what those items are called). Part art and part science information architects usually find themselves doing a little bit of everything when it comes to their work (e.g., wireframing, usability testing, card sorting, user research, etc.)

Join us as we welcome our guest speaker Julie Grundy, Information Architect at Duke University’s Duke Web Services Team. She’ll go over what her work is like and we’ll dive into a fun group activity!


  • 6:30-6:55pm: Sign-in, grab some refreshments
  • 6:55: Intro
  • 7:00-8:45pm: Presentation, Q&A, break, activity

We’re at the American Underground Classroom at the American Tobacco Campus in Durham, NC. The South Parking Deck is closest to the American Underground Classroom. From the South Parking Deck head toward the Strickland Building / American Underground (It’s a big building and there campus signs that will point you to it.). Once in the building take the elevator to the ground floor and head down the hall, where you’ll see an exploreUX / Triangle UXPA registration table.

RSVPing and the Waitlist:
To register for the event, head over to: http://www.meetup.com/exploreUX-raleigh/events/233195500/. We will close the RSVP list by noon on the day of the event. Please be kind to your fellow members and update your RSVP to “No” if you cannot attend the event. We know it’s easier to be less accountable for free events, but we really like to keep these events free to advocate for UX in the community. We really trying to avoid imposing a fee or a 3-strikes policy to hold people accountable.

If the event fills up, you will automatically be put on the waitlist. If someone changes their RSVP to “No” the earliest person on waitlist will be notified that their RSVP has been upgraded from “Waitlist” to “Yes”. Closer to the event, keep an eye out from a message from the organizer.

About Julie
Julie Grundy is an information architect and user experience designer with a passion for aligning UX and business needs. With a background in communications, she brings creativity and experience to craft a seamless user experience that is both efficient and effective. Always with a strategic approach, she works closely with clients to discover project goals and translates them into functional requirements and specs for the development team.

Julie is the Director of Communication and Marketing of Triangle UXPA (2015-2016) and co-founder of Ladies that UX Durham. She works at Duke Web Services, Duke University's in house agency.

You can find her evangelizing about chunks vs blobs, explaining the beauty of faceted search, preaching about controlled vocabulary, or enjoying one of the many fine restaurants in downtown Durham.

About the A Day in the Life Series
Each month, we'll explore a different role in the UX field. This gives an opportunity for you to learn about what people do in that particular role, ask them questions, and participate in activity to “test drive” what it’s like to be in this role. Join this meetup to be the first to know about upcoming events! http://www.meetup.com/exploreUX-raleigh/

This event series is brought to you by exploreUX and Triangle UXPA. The event is co-sponsored by Duke Web Services.

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