BUI stands for Beverage User Interface, and they're our most informal events. Join us, have a beverage if you like, and meet fellow UXers!
Join your fellow Triangle UXPA BUI friends and members of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) for a beer, snacks and meeting of the minds!
To get the conversation going, we’re providing a list of articles and podcasts below. Feel free to read/listen to as many as you’d like, or none (this isn’t a homework assignment). If you’d prefer, skip them entirely and come up with your own topic, podcast or article to discuss! Our main goal is to provide a lively, but casual learning environment with some interesting discussion among peers.
Light snacks and beverages will be provided, and street parking is available around the Centerline office. We hope to see you there!
RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/Triangle-UXPA-Social-Meetup/events/239374360/
Special thanks to our host, Centerline Digital!
Copyright © Triangle User Experience Professionals Association