Workshop: Designing Content Models

  • 11 Aug 2017
  • 8:15 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Red Hat Annex, 190 E Davie St, Raleigh, NC 27601
  • 0


  • Early registration ends Friday 7/28
  • Early registration ends Friday 7/28. If you're a sponsor member, please remember to log in to register at this rate! Please note: each sponsorship includes a set number of sponsor members that are designated by the company contact. Contact us if you believe you should receive this rate.
  • If you're a sponsor member, please remember to log in to register at this rate! Please note: each sponsorship includes a set number of sponsor members that are designated by the company contact. Contact us if you believe you should receive this rate.
  • Early registration ends Friday 7/28. If you're a member, make sure to log in to register at this rate!
  • If you're a member, make sure to log in to register at this rate!

Registration is closed

Does web content make you cringe? You’re not alone. It’s always late, rarely good, and definitely way too long on mobile. But if you’re not the one writing copy, it’s hard to know how to improve things. This workshop will help you. We’ll practice identifying patterns and priorities in the content we're designing, and building structural systems to support them. We call this content modeling.

In this workshop, you’ll learn: 

  • How to turn a big mess of content into something meaningful and modular
  • Why working with content patterns and chunks will improve your design process
  • How simple, flexible content models make for stronger mobile experiences


8:15-9am / breakfast and networking
9-9:30am / intro to content models
9:30-10am / content type mapping
10-10:45am / systems and relationships
10:45-11am / break
11-11:30am / chunks and facets
11:30am-12pm / writing to your model
12:15-12:30pm / questions and discussion

About Sara

Sara Wachter-Boettcher runs a content strategy consultancy based in Philadelphia. She is the co-author, with Eric Meyer, of Design for Real Life (A Book Apart), a book about creating products and interfaces that are more inclusive and compassionate. She is also the author of Content Everywhere (Rosenfeld Media), a book about creating flexible, mobile-ready content. Sara works with clients like Trek Bicycles, The Associated Press, The Home Depot, and Harvard, and speaks at web conferences worldwide. Find her on Twitter @sara_ann_marie or at


Red Hat Annex
190 E Davie St
Raleigh, NC 27601

Note: This is NOT the main Red Hat entrance (next to Buku). This is a separate entrance that is between Calavera and Oak City Meatball. We will provide additional sign-in details closer to the event.

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