exploreUX: Tools n Techniques: UX Discovery

  • 29 Aug 2017
  • 6:30 PM - 8:40 PM

Join us for an evening of Discovery! It’s the beginning of every well-founded UX project, where we learn and define the core problems users face. Discuss with and learn from our speakers what tools and techniques they use when embarking on a new UX journey. For the evening, we’ll have two lightning talks, a feature presentation, and a lab! Hope you can join us!

Heuristic Evaluations - Lightning Talk by Andrew Wirtanen

What “Heuristic Evaluations” are, how to conduct them, and recommendations on how to best use them.

Discovery Research: Interview Techniques - Lightning Talk by Megan Frankosky

An overview of how to use exploratory user research to generate conversations with users.

User Story Mapping - Feature Talk + Lab by Basia Coulter

User story mapping, a visualization technique popularized by Jeff Patton, allows product teams to map out an entire application with respect to the different user roles the application must support. Basia will explain how a user story map created together with client stakeholders becomes the first iteration of a prioritized backlog and a foundation for a high level release plan.

Following her talk, Basia will facilitate a hands-on user story mapping activity for an imaginary web-based application.


Registration is $5. Refunds are available until 48 hours before the event start. Register at the exploreUX meetup page.

Our Presenters

Andrew Wirtanen

Andrew is a Lead Product Designer at Citrix in Raleigh. He has worked in UX since 2006, and specializes in interaction design. He graduated with a Masters in Human Factors in Information Design from Bentley University. In 2013, Andrew was President of the Triangle UXPA. He continues to be involved in the chapter by organizing events and volunteering in the mentorship program.

Megan Frankosky

Megan is a User Researcher at Citrix. Her background is in human factors psychology and she loves applying qualitative and quantitative research methods to understand and improve user experiences. A bit of a data nut, you might find Megan staring at an array of spreadsheets and data visualization dashboards. In her free time, she enjoys having hypothetical conversations and attempting to play a variety of musical instruments.

Basia Coulter

Basia is a UX Designer at Caktus Group. Her journey to a UX profession began with a Ph.D. in neuroscience, which she earned in her native Poland. After leaving academia, she devoted several years to studying Eastern philosophy and then returned to school to study art and design. Eventually, her interest with the human mind and perception combined with enthusiasm for design and its utilitarian function led to deep engagement in the field of user experience.

Basia is passionate about user research and product discovery. She is also fascinated by what makes good design; what affordances and feedback need to be present for an interface to be intuitive; and how people interpret interfaces and interact with them.


• Triangle UXPA - beverages and food, event co-host

• Citrix - venue

• If your company or organization is interested in sponsoring this event or future ones, please contact Michelle.

Code of Conduct

All of our events follow exploreUX’s code of conduct and Triangle UXPA’s code of conduct.

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