UIE Webinar: Organizing Mobile Web Experiences Luke Wroblewski, CEO and Co-Founder of Input Factory Inc.
**Registration is now closed for this event** A light dinner will be provided for the registration fee. The webinar will start promptly at 6pm, preceded by a half hour for socializing, networking, and food. Come early to meet your fellow TriUXPAers and talk shop!
You’ll learn
From the reasons why people pull out a mobile device, to how we can lay out navigation options on small screens, Luke will detail mobile design thinking and solutions that will help you organize your Web sites and apps. You'll see how to make your design remain future friendly as Luke shows you what's coming next.
See what the web is uniquely good at and how to adjust your site's content accordingly. You'll explore the best way to place navigational elements, to ensure your design has great clarity and retains your users' focus on their tasks. Luke will explore next techniques, such as responsive web design, for handling multi-device layout.
At our live conferences, Luke sells out workshops and fills rooms to standing-room only capacity. Here's your chance to have one of the world's foremost experts in mobile design come to your office!
Why Luke?
Where do we start? It's no accident we asked Luke to share his thoughts on mobile design with you. We could tell you he is our go-to guy on forms and mobile design, but that would be a vast understatement. Luke is currently the CEO and Co-Founder of Input Factory Inc., an Internet stat-up focused on creating big value from micro mobile interactions. Prior to this, Luke was the Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of Bagcheck, which was acquired by Twitter just nine months after being launched publicly.
Before he was founding start-up companies, Luke was an Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) at Benchmark Capital, the Chief Design Architect (VP) at Yahoo!, Lead User Interface Designer at eBay, and a Senior Interface Designer at NCSA: the birthplace of the first popular graphical Web browser, NCSA Mosaic.
Luke is the author of three popular Web design books (Mobile First, Web Form Design & Site-Seeing: A Visual Approach to Web Usability).
A frequent presenter at UIE events such as UI Conference and UX Immersion, Luke receives rave reviews and is always one of the highest rated speakers. You can follow on his site LukeW.com or @LukeW.
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