[UX Book Club] Durham Book Discussion of "Microinteractions: Designing with Details"

  • 30 Oct 2013
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Epocrates, 905 W Main St, Durham, NC

October's Durham bookclub will be at Epocrates, Inc., and we'll be discussing Dan Saffer's "Microinteractions: Designing with Details." 

You can buy the book on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Microinteractions-Designing-Details-Dan-Saffer/dp/144934268X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380142208&sr=1-1&keywords=microinteractions

The book also has a website you can check out: http://microinteractions.com/about-the-book/

About the Book:

The differeMicroninteractionsnce between a good product and a great one are its details: the microinteractions that make up the small moments inside and around features. How do you turn mute on? How do you know you have a new email message? How can you change a setting? All these little momentsundefinedwhich are typically not on any feature list and often ignoredundefinedcan change a product from one that is tolerated to one that’s beloved.

This book provides a new way of thinking about designing digital products: as a series of microinteractions that are essential to bringing personality and delight to applications and devices.


• Free lot next to Fishmonger’s on Main Street.  
• Paid lot (Epocrates will validate) in front of Morgan Imports/Parker & Otis also off of Main St at the corner of Main and Gregson.  
• Free parking after hours along Peabody Street.  

Enter at the door with the awning at the corner of Peabody and Gregson (look for a TriUXPA sign). Go through the door on the left of the entry-way. The room is on the right in the hall (look for the Epocrates logo and another TriUXPA sign). The room is very easy to find as long as you enter at this corner.

Location Protip: bring a sweater. For some reason the air conditioning in that room can be out of control.

To register, check out our meetup:


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